Privacy policy

Privacy policy for NIRAS Group and its subsidiaries

This Privacy Policy describes NIRAS Group and its subsidiaries (“ NIRAS, we, us”), process your personal data.

Data Controller

The legal entity responsible for the processing of your personal data is :

CVR-nr. 73432219
Sortemosevej 19-21
3450 Allerød, Denmark, T: +45 4810 4200

Contact details

If you want to contact us regarding our processing of your personal data, please contact us at / T: +45 4810 4200

Processing of personal data

Personal data are all kinds of information that to some extent are related to you personally. If, for some reason, you do not want us to process this information, it may cause problems to maintain and meet possible agreements and legal obligations.

Potential clients

For you to become our client, we will need to collect the following personal data on you:

  • Name
  • Enterprise
  • E-mail
  • Telephone number
  • Address
  • CVR number

We collect personal data on our clients for the following purposes:

  • Possible future cooperation or financial transaction
  • Administration of your relation to us

We collect this information on the following legal basis:

  • The company’s legitimate interest in collecting and preserving data of our potential clients is to promote the communication between the two parties. Only data that have been provided by the client will be retained.

We retain the personal data for as long as the legislation allows, and we will erase them when we do not need them any longer. The period depends on the character of the information and the background for our retaining it. Typically, data concerning potential clients will be deleted after termination of the agreement or when the correspondence is no longer considered relevant. We will, however, retain the data as long as the client relation still exists.

  • Data on potential clients will be erased no later than two years after the last contact or on the client’s demand


For you to become our client, we will need to collect the following personal data on you:

  • Name
  • Enterprise
  • E-mail
  • Telephone number
  • Address
  • CVR number
  • Signature

We collect personal data on our clients for the below purposes:

  • Processing your purchase, and delivery of our services
  • Administration of your relation to us

We collect this information on the following legal basis:

  • The processing takes place based on fulfilment of the contract between the client and NIRAS A/S

We retain the personal data for as long as the legislation allows, and we erase them when we do not need them any longer. The period depends on the character of the information and the background for our retaining it. Typically, data concerning potential clients will be erased upon termination of the agreement.

  • Data on the client will be erased no later than five years after termination of the relationship.

Suppliers and cooperating partners

For you to become our supplier or cooperating partner, we will need to collect the following personal data about you:

  • Name
  • Address
  • E-mail
  • Telephone number
  • CVR number
  • Signature

We collect personal data on our suppliers and partners for the below purposes:

  • Processing our purchase/services
  • Administration of your relation to us

We collect information on the following legal basis:

  • The processing takes place based on fulfilment of the contract between the client and NIRAS A/S

We retain the personal data for as long as the legislation allows, and we erase them when we do not need them any longer. The period depends on the character of the information and the background for our retaining them. Typically, data concerning potential clients will be deleted upon termination of the agreement.

  • Data on the supplier will be erased upon expiry of the product warranty, otherwise information is retained in accordance with the accounting act


When we receive your application, it will be read through and handled according to the following principle:

Your application including enclosures will be distributed internally to relevant persons involved in the recruitment process.

Personal data received during the recruitment process will be processed as follows: Consent; It is the understanding that in connection with the applicant himself passing on his data to NIRAS, then these data are processed with the consent of the applicant, and our processing will stop at the point in time when the consent is withdrawn.

We will store your application including enclosures until we find the right candidate, and the recruitment process comes to an end. Hereafter your application including enclosures will be erased.

In case of uninvited applications, we will store your application including enclosures for six months, after which it will be erased.

If we want to store your application including enclosures for more than six months, we will contact you to obtain your consent.


Your consent is non-compulsory, and you can withdraw you consent at any time by contacting us, cf. above contact information.

Consultancy network

When we receive your registration for the consulting network, your registration will be handled according to the following principles: 

Competences and CV including enclosures will be distributed internally to relevant persons.

Personal data received in your registration for the consultancy network will be processed as follows: Consent; It is the understanding that in connection with the consultant himself passing on his data to AlfaNordic, then these data are processed with the consent of the consultant. Our processing will stop at the point in time when the consent is withdrawn.

We will store your information including enclosures until you no longer want to be part of the consultancy network. Your information will automatically be deleted 2 years after last contact.

Every 6 months you will be asked if you want to continue to be part of the consulting network. If you no longer wish to be a member of the consultancy network, all information, CV and supporting documents will be deleted.

Your consent is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us using the contact details above or by using your login to the consultancy network.

Other information on the process


We have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, deteriorated or made known to unauthorized persons, abused or otherwise processed in violation of the law. The Data Responsible will ensure that the processing can take place only when all data protection principles have been met, cf. the Data Protection Regulation, section 5.

In order to increase awareness of the importance of employee conduct, awareness campaigns are conducted with information, quizzes and phishing tests.

Other IT safety measures are carried out as follows:

NIRAS have full focus on our IT security. The users’ awareness and the IT department’s preparedness are highly valued. Servers and PCs and other critical equipment are protected and patched on a regular basis, etc.

NIRAS has an IT security policy that takes into account necessary security measures.

Data mining

We collect, process and retain only the personal data that are necessary to fulfil our stipulated goals. In addition, it may be subject to legislative control what kind of data collection and storage is needed for our business operation. The kind and scope of information we process may also be determined by the requirement to fulfil a contract or any other legal obligation.

We keep data up to date

Since our services depend on your data being correct and up to date, we ask you to inform us of relevant changes to your data. You can use the contact details stated above to notify us of changes, we will then make sure to update your personal data. In case we become aware that your data are incorrect, we will update them and keep you informed.

Passing of information

We use several third parties to retain and process the data, including suppliers of IT solutions: Activecampaign, Coma Systems, FileShare, Maconomy, Microsoft and Umbraco. These companies solely process information on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes. Where applicable, data may be passed on to lawyers, banks, government agencies, subsidiaries, accountants, insurance companies, and pension providers.

We only use data companies in the EU and third countries having the necessary security-related guarantees, and companies in countries that can provide your data with adequate protection.

In some cases, however, we use American software and solutions in connection with the daily operation. A risk assessment is conducted for each provider.

Your rights

  • You have a right any time to be informed about the data we retain on you, where they come from and what we use them for. You can also get information about how long time we store your personal data and who receives data about you to the extent we pass on data in Denmark and abroad.
  • On your request we can give you the data we retain on you. However, access may be restricted for the sake of other persons’ privacy protection, trade secrets and intellectual property rights.
  • If you believe that the personal data, we retain on you are inaccurate, you have a right to have them corrected. You need to contact us with information of the inaccuracies and how they can be corrected. Please be as specific as possible about your corrections, otherwise, it will complicate our work, and may in some cases lead to our non-compliance with your correction.
  • In some cases, we will have an obligation to erase your personal data. This applies e.g. if you withdraw any consent given. If you believe that your data are no longer required in relation to the purpose for which we obtained them, you may ask us to erase them. Moreover, you can contact us if you believe your personal data are being processed in violation of the law or other legal obligations.
  • You have a right to file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency.
  • You have a right to raise an objection to our processing of your personal data. You can also object to our passing on your data for marketing purposes. You can send your objection to us using the contact details above. If your complaint is justified, we will make sure to stop processing your personal data.
  • You can use data portability if you want your data transmitted to another data responsible or data controller.
  • We erase your personal data on our own initiative when they are no longer required for the purpose for which we collected them, or when we have no lawful rights to store them any longer.

You can exercise your rights by contacting NIRAS at or by phone +45 4810 4200

When you contact us with a request to have your personal data corrected or erased, we will investigate whether the conditions are fulfilled, and will hence implement corrections or erasure as soon as possible.

There may be conditions or limitations to these rights. It is therefore not certain that you e.g. have the right to data portability in the specific case – this depends on the specific circumstances of the treatment activities.

Last edited: 03-01-2022


Reach out if you have any questions

Benjamin Absalon Arnstad

Benjamin Absalon Arnstad

GDPR Officer

Allerød, Denmark

+45 4299 8359